WEINWISSER: "Magnum. Deutlich gereifte Farbe, aufhellender Rand. Tolles Cabernet-Würzbouquet, schwarzes Pfeffermehl, dunkle Pilze, sogar ein Hauch Trüffel, Zigarrenkiste. Im Gaumen leicht malzig, eine schöne Süsse über dem Extrakt, dem Latour recht nah und macht fast noch mehr Spass, zumindest auf dieser genialen Magnum."
WINE SPECTATOR: "Draws you into the glass with enticing plum, blackberry, vanilla and coconut aromas and flavors. Full-bodied yet balanced, with an abundance of soft tannins, but not aggressive. Best after 2000."
THE WINE ADVOCATE: "The rich, well-endowed 1990 possesses round, generous, surprisingly concentrated flavors. It will make ideal drinking over the next 10-15 years. The most complete second wine made at this property since their glorious 1982, over one-half of the crop was relegated to this wine. Anticipated maturity: Now-2005."