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Antinori - Solaia 2015

Der Solaia 2015 ist ein majestätischer, tiefdunkler Wein aus der Toskana, der durch seine komplexe und vielschichtige Aromatik beeindruckt. In der Nase zeigt er dichte, saftige Noten von Ribisel und subtilen würzigen Akzenten. Am Gaumen präsentiert sich eine harmonische Mischung aus reifen, dunklen Beerenfrüchten, feinen salzigen Komponenten und perfekt integrierten Tanninen. Seine lebendige Säure und frische Struktur machen ihn zu einem außerordentlich spannenden Genusserlebnis mit einem sehr langen und kraftvollen Nachhall.

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0,75 L
Derzeit nicht verfĂĽgbar
Weitere Jahrgänge
2000 | 2020 | 2021


Der Solaia 2015 ist ein majestätischer, tiefdunkler Wein aus der Toskana, der durch seine komplexe und vielschichtige Aromatik beeindruckt. In der Nase zeigt er dichte, saftige Noten von Ribisel und subtilen würzigen Akzenten. Am Gaumen präsentiert sich eine harmonische Mischung aus reifen, dunklen Beerenfrüchten, feinen salzigen Komponenten und perfekt integrierten Tanninen. Seine lebendige Säure und frische Struktur machen ihn zu einem außerordentlich spannenden Genusserlebnis mit einem sehr langen und kraftvollen Nachhall.


THE WINE ADVOCATE: "There is a magical infinity, a continuous loop of compatibilities, between the icon wines of Tuscany and the 2015 vintage. The stunning 2015 Solaia is solid evidence of this perfect alignment. This was a warm vintage that shows less favorably in my opinion in different parts of Italy and with other grapes that render their most elegant performances in the cooler vintages. I would put pure expressions of Nebbiolo and Sangiovese in this category. However, Tuscany and many of her great blended reds (made partially or fully with international grapes) operate according to a different logic. To me, their maximum expression comes when you can taste that Tuscan sunshine beaming from within. Its rays are brilliant and warm. They shine across the senses with opulence and intensity. The very name Solaia evokes the concept of sunshine and this unique Tuscan wine archetype I am referring to. With the 2015 vintage, Solaia is liquid sunshine not just in name but also in fact. The bouquet is immediately soft and sensual with dark fruit, spice and sweet tobacco. The mouthfeel shows intensity and power, but you don't get any heavy residue from the dry extract (measured at 33 grams per liter). Indeed, the wine feels glossy, tonic and fresh. It is composed of mostly Cabernet Sauvignon with Sangiovese and a tiny part Cabernet Franc. There is a bit of crunch or snap that comes thanks to the more acidity-prone Sangiovese grape (the wine measures 3.5 in pH). Finally, the tannins are beautifully sweet and ripe. This wine is meticulously executed, and the 2015 vintage lives up to an ideal of what we imagine Solaia to be. It will be released about a week after this review is published. Some 80,000 bottles were produced."
JAMES SUCKLING: "The nose to this Solaia is truly phenomenal with currants, blackberries, roses and violets. So perfumed. Full-bodied and everything is in check and harmony with polished tannins that last for minutes. Purity and focus. Is it the greatest Solaia ever? So drinkable already, but this is a wine for ages ahead."
FALSTAFF: "Funkelndes, tiefdunkles Rubinviolett. Kompakt und dicht in der Nase, viel dichte, saftige Ribisel, klar und präzise, dahinter feine würzige Noten. Sehr viel feinmaschiges Tannin, das sich in vielen Schichten öffnet, reife, dunkle Beerenfrucht, dazu feine salzige Komponenten, hat sehr gute Spannung, sehr langer Nachhall."
LISA PERROTTI-BROWN: "This 2015 Marchesi Antinori Solaia is so charmingly sweet, ripe, and open with very bright and exuberant aromas of cream and blackberries. My impression is that many 2015s in Tuscany in general have absorbed more oak than in some other vintages but this wine wears it so well. The palate is super-harmonious with a gentle ease and flow and the tannins are beautifully integrated and combine with subtle flavors of sweet oak-spice, cream, vanilla and blackberry. There is an elegant acidity and juicy freshness but in this wine the tannins take on a new dimension becoming seamlessly refined. Just beautiful!"
WINE ENTHUSIAST: "Full-bodied and elegant, this gorgeous red offers aromas of ripe dark-skinned berry, fragrant blue flower, spice, menthol and a whiff of new leather. It's structured and loaded with finesse, delivering cassis, ripe Marasca cherry, licorice and tobacco set against a firm backbone of smooth, velvety tannins. Surprisingly fresh acidity for the hot vintage keeps it balanced. It still needs a few more years to fully develop. Drink 2022–2035."
WINE SPECTATOR: "Floral, mint and medicinal herb aromas introduce this rich, black currant–infused red. Firm and compact, with vibrant structure, youthful harmony and a lingering, fruit-, herb- and spice-tinged finish. Shows terrific balance and length, with the best yet to come. Cabernet Sauvignon, Sangiovese and Cabernet Franc. Best from 2022 through 2038. 500 cases imported."
17,5 ++
JANCIS ROBINSON: "Wonderfully rich fruit on the nose. Leather, liquorice, dense and dark chocolate. This is only just beginning to open its eyes, but what beauty there is behind! Seriously impressive, and so well polished. It's the antithesis of something like Chateau Musar – very well coiffeured and wearing its best suit. Very impressive, and very claret-esque."


Der sogenannte "Supertoskaner" ist untrennbar mit Piero Antinori verbunden. Diese hochwertigen Rotweine aus der Toskana, die weinrechtlich nur als einfacher Tafelwein eingestuft wurden, erreichten erst 1971 mit Antinoris Jahrgang des "Tignanello" den Durchbruch. Pieros radikale Vorgehensweise, auf d
Zum Weingut


Marchesi Antinori S.p.A., Piazza Antinori 3, 50123 Florenz, Italien
Verantwortlicher Lebensmittelunternehmer:
Marchesi Antinori S.p.A., Piazza Antinori 3, 50123 Florenz, Italien
14,5 % Vol.
Enthält Sulfite.
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