WEINWISSER: "Sehr dunkles, sattes Granat mit violettem Schimmer. Königliches Bouquet von Trüffel, Brombeeren, Cassis und dunklen Edelhölzer, fein pfeffrig im tiefen Untergrund. Im Gaumen perfekt, gross und erhaben, von der Kraft und der Aromatik her schon eher im Pauillacbereich, kräftige Adstringenz mit einer Garantie für 50 Jahre Genuss und das erstmal etwa in 12 Jahren. Ein grosser Klassiker der mit den Leadern des gesamten Jahrganges buhlt. 2019-2050"
WINE ENTHUSIAST: "A dense, beautifully structured wine. It shows intense, ripe fruit with balanced acidity. It´s the fine tannins that give it such class, surrounding the fruit, promising long aging. This is a classic for Léoville-Barton."
JAMES SUCKLING: "What a nose! Chocolate, berry, meat and spice aromas. Full body, with soft and velvety tannins and a long, long finish. This is solid and rich for the vintage. A beauty. Try it after 2013."
THE WINE ADVOCATE: "Typically extracted and powerful (which is atypical in a vintage such as 2008), this offering may lack charm, but it is “locked and loaded” with plenty of background oak, huge black cherry and black currant fruit, medium to full body and a boatload of tannin. Forget it for 8-10 years and drink it over the following three decades."
THE WINE CELLAR INSIDER: "Tobacco leaf, cigar wrapper, cedar and green pepper corns are the first thing you notice. Full bodied, quite crisp and sharp, this is concentrated, peppery and crisp. This will be much better with 5-8 more years in the cellar."