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Chateau Lafite Rothschild

Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2008

Der Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2008 beeindruckt mit einer tiefdunklen rubinroten Farbe und leicht violetten Reflexen. Die komplexe Nase wird von Aromen nach zerdrückter Schwarzer Johannisbeere, Brombeere, Veilchen, Zedernholz und weiteren würzigen Noten dominiert. Am Gaumen zeigt er eine feine Balance von Frische und kraftvoller Frucht, umrahmt von eleganten Tanninen. Dezente Nuancen von Schokolade und süßem Tabak werden von einer zarten Pfeffernote und einem Hauch von Menthol begleitet. Ein wahres Meisterwerk, das Raffinesse und Tiefe vereint. 

Mehr erfahren
0,75 L
975,80 €
1.301,07 € / Liter
Alle Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferbar in 3-5 Arbeitstage nach Eingang der Kaufbestätigung
Andere Varianten:
3,0 L
5.236,00 €
1.745,33 € / Liter


Der Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2008 beeindruckt mit einer tiefdunklen rubinroten Farbe und leicht violetten Reflexen. Die komplexe Nase wird von Aromen nach zerdrückter Schwarzer Johannisbeere, Brombeere, Veilchen, Zedernholz und weiteren würzigen Noten dominiert. Am Gaumen zeigt er eine feine Balance von Frische und kraftvoller Frucht, umrahmt von eleganten Tanninen. Dezente Nuancen von Schokolade und süßem Tabak werden von einer zarten Pfeffernote und einem Hauch von Menthol begleitet. Ein wahres Meisterwerk, das Raffinesse und Tiefe vereint. 


THE WINE ADVOCATE: "A candidate for the -wine of the vintage,- the 2008 should have been purchased before it began to soar in value because of the significance of the number 8 in the Chinese culture (denoting good luck). Representing 40% of the production, this blend of 83% Cabernet Sauvignon, 13% Merlot and 4% Cabernet Franc offers aromas of high quality unsmoked cigar tobacco, lead pencil shavings, creme de cassis, earth, cedar and asphalt. Full, rich and stunningly concentrated, I doubt it is inferior to the 2010, just more classic as well as slightly more forward and a degree weaker in alcoholic potency (12.5% versus 13.5%). The 2008 should be relatively drinkable in 6-10 years as it is already showing remarkable complexity and breed, and will last for 30-35 years...at the minimum."
THE WINE CELLAR INSIDER: "Elegant, refined, pure, focused, vibrant, fresh and classic in its nature, it is easy to discern the cedar, tobacco leaf, lead pencil cassis and blackberry nuances, with just a little effort. On the palate, the wine offers refinement and purity, with a silky, yet energetic, bright edge. Give this 12-15 more years to develop. The wine was made from blending 83% Cabernet Sauvignon, 13% Merlot and 4% Cabernet Franc."
WINE ENTHUSIAST: "Elegance in a glass, this is very upright in structure with enticing acidity and black berry fruits. It has weight as well as richness. No question about the aging potential of this superb wine."
JAMES SUCKLING: "Minerals, tar and sous bois with dark fruit. Sweet tobacco. Black licorice. Full and chewy with lots of fruit but very reserved. So much mineral and sweet tobacco. It is all there. Give it four to five years of bottle age before beginning to explore the wine."
DECANTER: "This vintage had the bottle engraved with the Chinese symbol for 8, to commemorate the planting of the Penglai vineyards in China. Just starting to really open up, it has the sappy, lean and savoury character of Cabernet Sauvignon from classical years where terroir speaks so strongly. I like this hugely – subtle, beautiful. A smoky edge, cold ash or gun smoke rather than cigar, flint, a menthol finish. Still just settling in, this is starting to offer up its more subtle aromatics, and the pencil lead, cedar edge against spicy cassis notes delivers the refined classified Médoc character that makes these wines so sought after year in year out. 83% Cabernet Sauvignon, 13% Merlot, 4% Cabernet Franc."
JEB DUNNUCK: "The 2008 Lafite-Rothschild is one of the few wines that’s still obviously closed and backward, yet nevertheless shows incredible potential. Made from a blend of 83% Cabernet Sauvignon, 13% Merlot, and 4% Cabernet Franc (which is more Merlot than normal), it offers textbook Lafite elegance and class in its perfume of lead pencil, cedarwood, cigar smoke, and mineral-laced black fruits. Playing in the medium to full-bodied spectrum, it’s deceivingly concentrated and powerful due to its perfect balance and purity as well as weightless texture. Hide bottles for 4-5 years and enjoy this classic Lafite over the following 30 years or so."
FALSTAFF: "Tiefdunkles Rubingranat, violette Reflexe. In der Nase Nuancen von Cassis, frische Brombeeren, feiner Edelholztouch, angenehmer Schokoladenanklang. Am Gaumen komplex, feine schwarze Beerenfrucht, reife Tannine, frische Struktur, die Mineralik steht im Vordergrund, ein toller Speisenwein mit sicherem Reifepotenzial."
WINE SPECTATOR: "Supple and harmonious already, with inviting, almost plush blackberry, plum and fig fruit notes carried by fine-grained, lightly cedary structure. Black tea and sandalwood flash on the finish. Poised now, but has the stuffing for more time in bottle. Drink now through 2020."
Chateau Lafite Rothschild

Chateau Lafite Rothschild

Bordeaux – Pauillac
Vorhang auf für eines der berühmtesten und besten Weingüter der Welt: Château Lafite Rothschild mit seinem Zweitwein Carruades de Lafite. Chateau Lafite Rothschild ist einer der 5 Premier Crus. 1234 wurde Chateau Lafite erstmal urkundlich erwähnt. Das Gut gehörte der Familie Segur, die Sie von Châte
Zum Weingut


Chateau Lafite Rothschild, 33250 Pauillac, Frankreich
Verantwortlicher Lebensmittelunternehmer:
Chateau Lafite Rothschild, 33250 Pauillac, Frankreich
13 % Vol.
Enthält Sulfite.
3-5 Arbeitstage nach Eingang der Kaufbestätigung
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