WEINWISSER: "Extrem dunkles Purpur. Grossartige Cabernet-Nase, Trüffel- und Palisandernoten, beeindruckende Tiefe. Ausgeglichene Adstringenz, viel schwarzbeerige Beerenaromen, erstaunlich viel Noblesse, grosses Potenzial – ein wahrlich genialer Grand Cru! Noch haben wenige Experten mitbekommen, wie sich dieser ehemals klassierte, aber lange bescheiden anmutende Haut-Médoc gemausert hat. Daher sind die Preise noch recht fair – trotz des emsigen Marketings à la Magrez."
THE WINE ADVOCATE: "Probably La Tour Carnet’s best since their 2001, the 2010 La Tour Carnet exhibits wonderful ripeness, a dense ruby/purple color, notes of licorice, camphor and some toast as well as lots of black currant and blueberry fruit. It is medium to full-bodied, with attractive sweetness of tannin, good acidity, excellent delineation to its component parts, and a full-bodied, impressively long finish. This wine may close down somewhat, given the moderate tannins, but it seems relatively accessible despite being a 2010. Anticipated maturity: 2018-2035.
Another spectacular effort from proprietor Bernard Magrez, this Haut Medoc was harvested very late in 2010. The final blend is 60% Merlot, 34% Cabernet Sauvignon and the rest a small amount of Cabernet Franc and 1% Petit Verdot."
JAMES SUCKLING: "Impressive concentration for this appellation with aromas of prunes, plums and black pepper. Full body, with round and velvety tannins and a long finish. Tight. Better after 2015."
FALSTAFF: "Tiefdunkles Rubingranat, opaker Kern, violette Reflexe; intensive dunkle Beerenfrucht, reife Herzkirschen, zart nach Orangenzesten; saftig, gute Komplexität, frische Struktur, Zwetschgenfrucht im Abgang, feiner Schokoanklang im Nachhall, Röstaromen im Rückgeschmack, gutes Potenzial."