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2021 Pingus Subskription - Peter Sisseck: "...this is like a replay of the great 2000 Pingus..."
Weinvorhersage vom 27. Oktober 2022

2021 Pingus Subskription - Peter Sisseck: "...this is like a replay of the great 2000 Pingus..."

Wenn wir im Frühjahr jeden Jahres mehrere Wochen zur Primeur-Verkostung in Bordeaux verweilen, verkosten wir auch immer den aktuellen Jahrgang PINGUS von PETER SISSECK, seit nunmehr 25 Jahrgängen. Mit dem Jahrgang 2021 aber war dies ein Erlebnis der Extraklasse. Denn PINGUS war schlichtweg einer der größten Weine des Jahrganges 2021. Und nun ist es endlich soweit, wir offerieren Ihnen als Exklusivimporteur die Subskription von PETER SISSECKs 2021 PINGUS UND FLOR DE PINGUS. SISSECK war sichtlich stolz auf seine 2021er und gab zu Protokoll: „… in 2021 I think we hit it spot on. Not to talk about the length that carries the wine back and lingers. In my humble opinion this is like a replay of the great 2000 Pingus…“ 

Bestätigt wird seine Aussage durch eine sensationelle 98-100 Punkte Bewertung in PARKERS WINE ADVOCATE. Leider aber wurden lediglich 8.200 Flaschen von diesem Weintraum für den gesamten Weltmarkt produziert. 


SISSECK notiert zum Jahrgang 2021: „2021 in Ribera has turned out rather brilliant after some fear of having a too warm and too dry growing season. The winter and spring of 2021 was dry to very dry. By April we started to get some rains and there were fears that it was too little and too late... Even though days were hot the nights were unusually cold leading to a lower than usual average temperature. Ripening was 7-10 days behind 2020. Harvest was started the 20th of September in San Cristobal the second “lieu dit” of Pingus. The grapes were coming in at 14 potential alcohol. And we had good acidities as well. .. Fermentations very smooth and very easy this year. Natural yeast was abundant. Also, color extraction was very easy meaning that we could ferment at 22 C and only pump over 30% of the tank volume. All in all, maintaining freshness and avoiding over-extraction. ... Like we have been doing since 2012 the aging for Pingus is in 12 month used barrels and for Flor de Pingus we still use some new barrels but not more than 20 %. This year we gave all the new barrels a month at PSI to season them a bit. We have also introduced 2 new wooden vats (15HL) for the aging of Flor de Pingus for the moment. Over time the idea is to use them for the aging of Pingus.“ 


PETER SISSECK zu 2021 PINGUS: „Pingus is time after time the standard bearer of our project. It has reached a level of perfection in vine husbandry that allow us, year after year to produce something outstanding. This 2021 is no exception. Deeply colored but not black with beautiful sparks of ruby. A really deep nose of ripe fruit, Pingus is always more blue than red fruit, so it is extra important that is always on the fresh side. It must never get too jammy or heavy this is one of the real challenges making wine in these warm years. A great mouth with the texture of what i call 3D tannins, this crazy balance between a relatively high pH and quite rich tannins. I really do think it is the hallmark of great Tinto Fino from *Ribera del Duero”. And in 2021 I think we hit it spot on. Not to talk about the length that carries the wine back and lingers. In my humble opinion this is like a replay of the great 2000 Pingus.“ 

PETER SISSECK zu 2021 FLOR DE PINGUS: „The Flor de Pingus 2021 is less dark in color than Pingus itself. Pure Ruby light. The nose is very fresh and more red than blue fruit. The 4 % Grenache that we have been adding through replanting surely helps here. Flor de Pingus is always lighter than Pingus but the quality of the tannins is of cause as important, but we aim more for a lush feeling than for something structural. This 2021 is very much the ideal of this. I am really proud of this wine." 


Lesen Sie einmal was in PARKERS WINEADVOCATE zu 2021 PINGUS und 2021 FLOR DE PINGUS notiert ist. 


2021 PINGUS - 98-100 THE WINEADVOCATE: „The subtle, austere and nuanced sample of the 2021 Pingus I tasted was harmonious, balanced and elegant. It's basically pure Tempranillo from La Horra that is young but surprisingly harmonious, very precise, clean, pure, with no apparent oak despite being a barrel sample. The wine is maturing in barrels that were previously used for PSI; Sisseck purchased a couple of 1,500-liter oak vats that he's using for PSI, and he still doesn't know if he's going to age part of Pingus in it. Purity, elegance and precision. The wine is medium-bodied, the tannins super fine and the mouthfeel is velvety, with a restrained 13.8% alcohol. ..“ 

2021 FLOR DE PINGUS - 94-96 THE WINEADVOCATE: „The yields for the 2021 Flor de Pingus were "normal" according to Sisseck, who considers it a more serious vintage for this cuvée, as they have planted some eight hectares of Garnacha (which represents maybe 3% in this blend) that was co-fermented with the Tempranillo and acted as a way to make it fresher. It's a little more austere, in line with the 2018, as 2019 was riper and 2020 a little more diluted. Yields in 2021 were lower than in 2018. The wine is subtle and a little backward but very balanced, with a polished palate and very fine tannins, focused, fresh and with a sense of harmony and purity that I liked. The oak is very integrated, and the wine is quite perfumed and elegant. This has 14.2% alcohol but it doesn't feel like it at all; the wine is juicy and balanced, a little austere, which I liked, but at the same time it feels quite polished. ..“ 


Wir können Ihnen 2021 PINGUS und 2021 FLOR DE PINGUS als Exklusivimporteur nun günstig in Subskription anbieten. Zwei Weine, die uns Jahr für Jahr immer wieder aufs Neue begeistern ob deren Eleganz, Finesse und Präzision. Und vergessen Sie dabei bitte eines nicht: So günstig wie jetzt in Subskription bei UNGER WEINE finden Sie diese Weine nie wieder! Die späteren Marktpreise werden deutlich höher sein! Selbstverständlich können Sie sich jetzt auch Magnumflaschen abfüllen lassen. 


2021 Pingus Dominio de Pingus Ribera del Duero
Dominio de Pingus - Pingus 2021
Ribera del Duero
in 3er OHK verfĂĽgbar
THE WINE ADVOCATE: "The subtle, austere and nuanced sample of the 2021 Pingus I tasted was harmonious, balanced and elegant. It's basically pure Tempranillo from La Horra that is young but surprisingly harmonious, very precise, clean, pure, with no apparent oak despite being a barrel sample. The wine is maturing in barrels that were previously used for PSI; Sisseck purchased a couple of 1,500-liter oak vats that he's using for PSI, and he still doesn't know if he's going to age part of Pingus in it. Purity, elegance and precision. The wine is medium-bodied, the tannins super fine and the mouthfeel is velvety, with a restrained 13.8% alcohol. There should be around 8,200 bottles, and the expectation today is to bottle it around June 2023."
0,75 L
990,00 €
1.320,00 € / Liter
Dominio de Pingus

Dominio de Pingus

Ribera del Duero
Pingus und sein Zweitwein Flor de Pingus ist die Nummer Eins Spaniens! Was Peter Sisseck hier auf Pingus im Ribera del Duero produziert, ist schlichtweg phänomenal! Peter Sisseck versteht es bei Pingus bzw. Flor de Pingus wie wenige, den Umgang mit Holz, mit druckvoller Frucht und massiven, aber sei
Zum Weingut
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